Worlds 7th best water park by TripAdvisor

A Magical Family Experience

A Magical Family Experience

It’s always fun and games here, at Pearls Kingdom, and that doesn’t end with just our many rides. We’ve got several events and shows that we host too. From Ladies’ Tuesdays to Costume Parties to Zumba and much more. Once upon a time, there lived a wise King who ruled a beautiful Kingdom called Pearls Kingdom. One cold night, the wise King dreamt of a misfortune that would befall his large Kingdom, but the dream also.. What’s a water park without yummy treats? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. From morning till night, we’ve got all the food you can eat! Be it snacks, drinks, and even full meals, Pearls Kingdom has food carts and outlets all across the park.
Welcome To TheKingdom
Shows & Events
Amazing Story
Food & Beverages